Letter Bank


The Game Board
Select Direction



Confirm Move

Your current letters

Turns Taken So Far

Left in main bank

Spell Checker

New Game

Starting a new game will cancel the current game.

Use easy mode (recommended).

The Marlowe Online Server

Letter Bank

Written by Andrew Roberts 2009


The Game
The aim of this game is to empty the main bank of letters in as fewer moves as possible.

To play, you can use your current letters to make words on the grid. Words can be placed anywhere on the grid and do not need to intercept, however, you can intercept words if you want to, in order to make use of other letters previously played.

Each time you use letters from your current letters, more letters will move in from your main bank.

If you make longer words, you will get through your letters faster, and thus win sooner.

Words must be legal English words, and are verified. To check a word you can use the onboard spell checker.

View sample board to see what is possible. Click mini image below.